Martial Arts

  1. Straight Sabre Martial Arts
  2. Sword Martial Arts
  3. Curved Sabre Martial Arts
  4. Glaive Martial Arts
  5. Halberd Martial Arts
  6. Staff Martial Arts
  7. Hammer Martial Arts
  8. Poleaxe Martial Arts
  9. Spear Martial Arts
  10. Slashing Spear Martial Arts
  11. Dual Swords Martial Arts
  12. Dual Sabres Martial Arts
  13. Dual Halberds Martial Arts
  14. Credits


Martial Arts are skills that the player can activate during combat by pressing (RB+X and RB+Y) / (R1+Square and R1+Triangle). Every weapon comes with at least 1 Martial Art, with the maximum being 2. Only weapons that are 3 Star Rarity or higher can have 2 Martial Arts, 1 Star and 2 Star Rarity weapons cannot have 2 Martial Arts. Martial Arts are tied to the weapon, and cannot be changed or removed. Unique Martial Art Skills only drop on unique weapons, which can be farmed from bosses or reaching "Sworn Brother" with NPCs. Unique Martial Arts can drop on all Rarities.

Weight / Agility affects the Spirit cost of Martial Arts. The standard baseline is B Agility. All numbers are obtained with B Agility.

There are a total of 76 Martial Arts, 26 of which are Unique Martial Arts Skills. Below are tables grouping all the Martial Arts by weapon category. Unique Martial Arts are colored orange.

Straight Sabre Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Drifting Cloud
160 Swiftly swing your weapon upward and jump back.
Gouging Star
470 Spin your weapon around in one hand while advancing forward, then attack. While spinning the weapon, you will block the enemy's attacks as if you were guarding.
Ill Wind
470 Jump up, performing a spinning slice. (Usable while airborne.)
Meteor Shower
630 Attack with repeated thrusts.
Meteoric Strike
470 Perform a quick attack.
Moon Break

Perform a vigorous slash, including a shock wave capable of causing damage to a widespread area.
Star Fall
370 Leap high and forcefully slash downward.
Swift Lightning
260 Perform a fierce forward-facing thrust.

[Additional Input: Charge Attack] Hold down the Arts button upon activation to build up energy. Its power increases according to the charge duration.
Whirlwind Advance
470 Step forward while rotating the body to perform a frontward slash.
Lightspeed Gust
780 Jump backward, then advance while thrusting.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Dire Tiger
Violent Sandstorm
630 Charge forward at rapid speed while holding down the Arts input. Release the Arts input to then perform a slashing attack.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Sirius

Sword Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Drifting Cloud
160 Swiftly swing your weapon upward and jump back.
Earth Shaper
370 Bring your weapon down forcefully, causing massive shock-waves in front of you.
Gouging Star
470 Spin your weapon around in one hand while advancing forward, then attack. While spinning the weapon, you will block the enemy's attacks as if you were guarding.
Ill Wind
470 Jump up, performing a spinning slice. (Usable while airborne.)
Swift Lightning
260 Perform a fierce forward-facing thrust.

[Additional Input: Charge Attack] Hold down the Arts button upon activation to build up energy. Its power increases according to the charge duration.
Meteor Shower
630 Attack with repeated thrusts.
Meteoric Strike
470 Perform a quick attack.
Whirlwind Advance
470 Step forward while rotating the body to perform a frontward slash.
Cosmic Syzygy
320 Charge forward into a thrust. When the attack hits, you can use the force of the blow to repel yourself backward.

[Additional Input: Combo] Press the Arts input again upon touching down to charge forward once more.

Weapon: Saint's Virtue
Dawning Sky
310 Lunge forward to perform a slashing attack, then jump into the air.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Heaven's Reliance
Starlight Blade
260 Split your weapon, shooting it out in succession.

[Additional Input: Charge Attack] Hold down the Arts input upon activation to build up energy. The power of the attack increases according to the charge duration.

Weapon: Sword of Yu the Great
Sun Piercer
530 Perform a fierce forward-facing thrust.

[Additional Input: Combo] Press the Arts input again to perform a follow-up attack.

Weapon: Halo
Sword of Chaos
530 Create a sword of Demonic Qi and strike with it.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Ritual Sword of Chaos

Curved Sabre Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Drifting Cloud
160 Swiftly swing your weapon upward and jump back.
Gouging Star
470 Spin your weapon around in one hand while advancing forward, then attack. While spinning the weapon, you will block the enemy's attacks as if you were guarding.
Ill Wind
470 Jump up, performing a spinning slice. (Usable while airborne.)
Increscent Slash
280 Hold down the Arts button to take a stance, then release it to perform an attack. Release the Arts button at the right time to unleash a powerful attack.
Looming Cloud
530 Advance while spinning your weapon in front of you.

[Additional Input: Barrage] Increase the number of rotations by holding down the Martial Arts button.
Meteoric Strike
470 Perform a quick attack.
Star Fall
370 Leap high and forcefully slash downward.
Whirlwind Advance
470 Step forward while rotating the body to perform a frontward slash.
Shimmering Sun
530 Pounce on the enemy with your blade, moving behind them, then turn around and perform a thrust.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Wreaths your weapon in flames. Also enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Drought Demon Blade
Thunderous Impact
530 After a brief pause to build up energy, charge forth and slash.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Guding Blade

Glaive Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Antelope Horn
256 Spin your weapon around while holding down the Arts button. Release the button to then perform one final attack.
Dragon Flash
370 Perform a spinning attack to cut down surrounding enemies, then release a powerful forward thrust.
Dragon Slayer
530 Leap high and forcefully slash downward.
Dragontail Whip
256 Spin your weapon, attacking your surroundings.
Horn Strike
424 Stab and enemy's feet, then pull your weapon upward.
Iron Calf
950 Raise your weapon up high, then forcefully swing it to the ground.
Marching Dragon
320 Advance forward while sweeping the enemies in front of you, then finish with a powerful blow.

[Additional Input: After] Press the Arts button during the sweep attack to immediately execute the finishing blow.
Phoenix Wings
470 Slice through the ground upward, causing an energy wave to fly forward.
Feasting Ursine
530 Jump into the air and fling your weapon down, causing a shockwave.

[Additional Effec: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Triumphant Conquest
Mongrel's Rampart
530 Thrust your weapon into the ground, then kick it back up in a swing.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Curve-Headed Glaive
Soaring Phoenix
320 Perform a powerful strike on the enemy. When the attack hits, you can use the force of the blow to propel yourself into the air. Usable while on the ground or airborne.

Weapon: Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive

Halberd Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Dragon Flash
370 Perform a spinning attack to cut down surrounding enemies, then release a powerful forward thrust.
Dragon Slayer
530 Leap high and forcefully slash downward.
Dragontail Whip
256 Spin your weapon, attacking your surroundings.
Horn Strike
424 Stab and enemy's feet, then pull your weapon upward.
Iron Calf
950 Raise your weapon up high, then forcefully swing it to the ground.
Marching Dragon
320 Advance forward while sweeping the enemies in front of you, then finish with a powerful blow.

[Additional Input: After] Press the Arts button during the sweep attack to immediately execute the finishing blow.
Wyvern Claw
530 Catch an enemy with your weapon's tip and pull them towards you.
Prancing Dragon
530 Advance while dragging your weapon along, then swing it upward.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Wreathes your weapon in flames. Also enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Sky-Piercing Halberd

Staff Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Antelope Horn
256 Spin your weapon around while holding down the Arts button. Release the button to then perform one final attack.
Dragon Flash
370 Perform a spinning attack to cut down surrounding enemies, then release a powerful forward thrust.
Dragontail Whip
256 Spin your weapon, attacking your surroundings.
Falcon Strike
424 Jump up while launching an enemy, then bring your weapon back down with a thud.
Goshawk's Dance
256 Thrust your weapon into the ground and jump up, performing a spinning slice.

[Additional Input: Turn] Moving while performing the technique will cause you to jump in that direction.
Monkey's Wisdom
256 Spin your body around, attacking your surroundings. Allows you to move while spinning.
Plummeting Ape
320 Leap up and thrust downward. When the attack hits, you can use the force of the blow to propel yourself into the air. Usable while on the ground or airborne.
Stag Hunter
470 Swing your weapon around in a circle, then bring it down forcefully.
Tigertail Lash
370 Spin your weapon around, attacking your surroundings, then perform a powerful sweeping attack.
Fanning Peacock
470 Release fire projectiles from your weapon, attacking your surroundings.

[Additional Input: Charge Attack] Increase the number of spins by holding down the Martial Arts button.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Wreathes your weapon in flames. Also enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Jade-Green Staff
Nightbird Spin
470 Attack by throwing your weapon forward.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Night Owl Cane
Panther's Grit
630 Advance while spinning your weapon, attacking your surroundings.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Soaring Ursine Mace

Hammer Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Heaven Divide
530 Brandish your weapon boldly, then swing it with all your strength.
Heaven Reversal
320 Slam your weapon on the ground behind you, causing a shock-wave, then perform a frontal strike.
Mountain Strike
370 Thrust your weapon into the ground and use it as a springboard to unleash a kick.
Rising Tides
530 Sweep your weapon around while spinning, and strike with it.

[Additional Input: Barrage] Increase the number of rotations by holding down the Arts input.
Rock Crash
320 Build momentum with a vertical spin, then channel it into a powerful weapon swing. Usable while on the ground or airborne.
Sea Split
320 Raise your weapon up high, then forcefully swing it to the ground.

[Additional Input: Charge Attack] Hold down the Arts input upon activation to build up energy. The attack power increases according to the charge duration.
Stone Shatter
320 Wield your weapon to launch stone fragments forward.
Undercurrent Sprint
530 Charge in the desired direction. Press the Arts input while charging to perform a sideways sweeping attack.
Boulder Glide
470 Swing your weapon out of the ground, flinging clumps of earth at your enemy.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Great Club of Polaris
Mountain Buster
320 Repeatedly slam the ground where you are standing.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhance damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Quake Griffin Hammer

Poleaxe Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Heaven Divide
530 Brandish your weapon boldly, then swing it with all your strength.
Heaven Reversal
320 Slam your weapon on the ground behind you, causing a shock-wave, then perform a frontal strike.
Impregnable Keep
360 Take a crouching stance. If you are attacked while in this stance, counterattack with a powerful sweep.
Mountain Strike
370 Thrust your weapon into the ground and use it as a springboard to unleash a kick.
Rising Tides
530 Sweep your weapon around while spinning, and strike with it.

[Additional Input: Barrage] Increase the number of rotations by holding down the Arts input.
Rock Crash
320 Build momentum with a vertical spin, then channel it into a powerful weapon swing. Usable while on the ground or airborne.
Undercurrent Sprint
530 Charge in the desired direction. Press the Arts input while charging to perform a sideways sweeping attack.
Hidden Undercurrents
320 Charge forward with your weapon readied in front of you.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Vermillion Bird Greataxe

Spear Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Antelope Horn
256 Spin your weapon around while holding down the Arts button. Release the button to then perform one final attack.
Dragon Flash
370 Perform a spinning attack to cut down surrounding enemies, then release a powerful forward thrust.
Dragontail Whip
256 Spin your weapon, attacking your surroundings.
Falcon Strike
424 Jump up while launching an enemy, then bring your weapon back down with a thud.
Goshawk's Dance
256 Thrust your weapon into the ground and jump up, performing a spinning slice.

[Additional Input: Turn] Moving while performing the technique will cause you to jump in that direction.
Horn Strike
424 Stab and enemy's feet, then pull your weapon upward.
Marching Dragon
320 Advance forward while sweeping the enemies in front of you, then finish with a powerful blow.

[Additional Input: After] Press the Arts button during the sweep attack to immediately execute the finishing blow.
Monkey's Wisdom
256 Spin your body around, attacking your surroundings. Allows you to move while spinning.
Serpent's Torment
320 Unleash a barrage of rapid thrusts.

[Additional Input: Barrage] Hold down the Arts input to increase the number of thrusts.
Whistling Vortext
320 Thrust forward with your spear, charging while spinning it.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Ehnances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Unparalleled Spear

Slashing Spear Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Antelope Horn
256 Spin your weapon around while holding down the Arts button. Release the button to then perform one final attack.
Dragon Flash
370 Perform a spinning attack to cut down surrounding enemies, then release a powerful forward thrust.
Dragon Slayer
530 Leap high and forcefully slash downward.
Dragontail Whip
256 Spin your weapon, attacking your surroundings.
Emerging Dragon
530 Hold down the Arts input to take a stance, then release it to perform an attack. Release the Arts input at the right time to unleash a powerful attack.
Falcon Strike
424 Jump up while launching an enemy, then bring your weapon back down with a thud.
Goshawk's Dance
256 Thrust your weapon into the ground and jump up, performing a spinning slice.

[Additional Input: Turn] Moving while performing the technique will cause you to jump in that direction.
Horn Strike
424 Stab and enemy's feet, then pull your weapon upward.
Marching Dragon
320 Advance forward while sweeping the enemies in front of you, then finish with a powerful blow.

[Additional Input: After] Press the Arts button during the sweep attack to immediately execute the finishing blow.
Monkey's Wisdom
256 Spin your body around, attacking your surroundings. Allows you to move while spinning.
Parting Grass
370 Slice horizontally, then bring your weapon down forcefully.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Iron Poled Snake Spear
Python Turnover
1000 Stamp your feet, generating a shock wave that damages your surroundings, then charge forward while swinging your weapon.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Invictus Serpent Spear

Dual Swords Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Bamboo Sever
300 Quickly jump forward and perform a strike.
Beckoning Pine
290 Move to the side, then perform a slashing attack while flipping.
Blossom Stream
130 Swing your weapon continuously, then strike forward.

[Additional Input: Barrage] Repeatedly press the Arts input to increase the number of slashes.
Peach Blossom
260 Advance and release a combo attack using each weapon.

[Additional Input: Charge Attack] Hold down the Arts input upon activation to build up energy. The attack power increases according to the charge duration.
Plum Rend
160 Cut forward, then quickly step back.
Skyward Evergreen
158 Corkscrew diagonally up into the air, then perform multiple strikes.
Sudden Tornado
320 Jump forward, then perform a spinning attack.
Thorn Prick
480 Unleash a barrage of rapid thrusts.
Waving Willow
320 Advance while rotating your body, continuously cutting surrounding enemies.
Endless Flowering
160 Swing your weapon in front of you while holding down the Arts input. While spinning the weapon, you will block enemy attacks in the same way as guarding. Release the Arts input to then unleash a powerful attack.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Pair Swords of Aspiration

Dual Sabres Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Bamboo Sever
300 Quickly jump forward and perform a strike.
Beckoning Pine
290 Move to the side, then perform a slashing attack while flipping.
Plum Rend
160 Cut forward, then quickly step back.
Skyward Evergreen
158 Corkscrew diagonally up into the air, then perform multiple strikes.
Sudden Tornado
320 Jump forward, then perform a spinning attack.
Thorn Prick
480 Unleash a barrage of rapid thrusts.
Waving Willow
320 Advance while rotating your body, continuously cutting surrounding enemies.
Falling Leaf
320 Jump up while laungching an enemy, then knock them back to earth with a downward swing.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhance damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Hook Blades of King Helu

Dual Halberds Martial Arts

Martial Art
Spirit Cost
Bamboo Sever
300 Quickly jump forward and perform a strike.
Beckoning Pine
290 Move to the side, then perform a slashing attack while flipping.
Falling Leaves
210 Perform a jumping kick. When the attack hits, you can use the force of the blow to repel yourself backward while throwing your weapon. Usable while on the ground or airborne.
Plum Rend
160 Cut forward, then quickly step back.
Scattered Leaves
470 Attack by throwing weapons in both hands forward.
Skyward Evergreen
158 Corkscrew diagonally up into the air, then perform multiple strikes.
Sudden Tornado
320 Jump forward, then perform a spinning attack.
Vine's Grasp
380 Catch an enemy with your weapon's tip and draw them in.
Waving Willow
320 Advance while rotating your body, continuously cutting surrounding enemies.
Crescent Gale
320 Connect both weapons and unleash broad-reaching slashing attacks.

Weapon: Dual Reaper Halberds
Thorn Cleave
320 Spin your weapon and strike with it.

[Additional Input: Barrage] Hold down the Arts input to increase the number of slashes.

[Additional Effect: at High Spirit] Enhances damage and prevents staggering from incoming attacks except for powerful attacks by enemies.

Weapon: Tiger Fang Dual Halberds


LiuKang1080, ShinSeiKen, SacredForce, Ocean Machine, Oninomiru, LOLSAN Link to the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Data Doc by ShinSeiKen: here Link to the Martial Arts google doc: here