Main Boss - Imagawa Yoshimoto

Table of Contents:

  1. Description / Lore
  2. Missions This Boss Appears In
  3. Fighting Strategies
  4. Credits

Description / Lore

Imagawa Yoshimoto is a daimyo of Suruga Province (modern-day eastern Shizuoka Prefecture). He hails from a great family that claims descent from the Ashikaga, the clan of the shogun.

A celebrated general who was dubbed the "greatest archer in Tokaido", he successfully extended his clan's power all the way to Totomi and Mikawa. When he launched an assault on Owari, hoping to expand his clan's power westward, he was met with a surprise attack by Oda Nobunaga in Okehazama.

In spite of their overwhelming military might, the Imagawa forces were thrown into disarray by the surprise attack, and Yoshimoto was ultimately defeated by the protagonist.

Missions This Boss Appears In

Legend: Missions in red are Twilight Missions.

First mission this boss appears in: The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama
Other missions this boss appears in: Imagawa Diehard
Boss appears in the Underworld: Yes

Boss appears in the Depths of the Underworld: Yes
Floors: 5, 47, 85

Fighting Strategies

Imagawa Yoshimoto is the first human boss the player faces, and is the main boss of the mission The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama. Imagawa Yoshimoto uses Dual Swords and a Switchglaive.

Drops / Smithing Texts
Key Items: Rokugezo (Guardian Spirit)
Soul Core: -
Smithing Texts: Tokagemaru (Sword), Sozasamonji Matsukurago (Dual Swords), White Bone Spirit Tonfa (Tonfa), Seething Dragon (Switchglaive), Tengu's Khakkhara (Splitstaff), Tsuchigumo Clawed Fists (Fists), Master Archer's Bow (Bow), Master Archer's Armor (Armor Set),
Hidden Skills: Punish the Proud (Dual Swords), Windswept (Switchglaive)
Crafting Materials: -

Weakness: Corruption
Resistances: Purity
Complete Immunity: -

Burst Counters PooferLlama's Nioh 2 Academy - Stance Preshift & Smart Offense
Fighting Cowboy's Nioh 2 Walkthrough - Part 10: Hidden Monsters of Okehazama


Credits: LiuKang1080

Nioh 2 Numbers Spreadsheet: Fat Valentine - Link to Nioh 2 Numbers Spreadsheet
Enemy / Boss Compendium: Fat Valnetine - Link to Nioh Enemy / Boss Compendium

Nioh 2 Build Bible: OceanMachine - Link to Nioh 2 Build Bible

Nioh Community Discord Server: Link to Discord Server
