Recommended Missions To Reach Next Difficulty

  1. Awakening Region (1st Region)
  2. Soaring Region (2nd Region)
  3. Shadow Region (3rd Region)
  4. Dawn Region (4th Region)
  5. Twilight Region (5th Region)
  6. Dream Region (6th Region)
  7. Afterglow Region (7th Region)
  8. Credits


In a New Game play through (Dream of the Samurai), the player must complete all Main Missions. Completing the final main mission In the Eye of the Beholder in the final region (Afterglow) will unlock the next difficulty. The order of difficulties is as follows: Dream of the Samurai (NG) ⟶ Dream of the Strong (NG+) ⟶ Dream of the Demon (NG+2) ⟶ Dream of the Wise (NG+3) ⟶ Dream of the Nioh (NG+4). When a player enters a new game cycle, all missions in the first 2 regions (Awakening and Soaring regions) will automatically be unlocked. To progress and complete that difficulty the player must complete at least 18 missions to unlock the final main mission In the Eye of the Beholder. Completing this mission unlocks the next difficulty, and is required. Below is a recommended list of missions to complete, seperated by each region. We want to select short and fast missions. Generally these missions will be gauntlet style / linear missions. If we can acquire Locks of Hair, or other important items during these missions then that would be optimal, but we will generally not go out of our way to get these items. We can always come back later and acquire the Locks of Hair, or other important items.

Awakening Region (1st Region):

Awakening Region icon

It is generally recommended that we complete the entire first region. This will give us the opportunity to soul match and level up so that we meet the damage output required for the difficulty.

Soaring Region (2nd Region):

Soaring Region icon

Shadow Region (3rd Region):

Shadow Region icon

Dawn Region (4th Region):

Dawn Region icon

Twilight Region (5th Region):

Twilight Region icon

Dream Region (6th Region):

Dream Region icon

Afterglow Region (7th Region):

Afterglow Region icon

Before we face the final boss Otakemaru in the mission In the Eye of the Beholder, we can level up and soul match our weapons a final time by playing the mission Dawn of Hope. The gauntlet section with the Magatsu Warrior can be challenging, especially on the higher difficulties. Use William's AI! Reminder that we're here to farm materials, level up, and soul match, we do not need to complete this mission fully.

Dawn of Hope (Potentially Skip) In the Eye of the Beholder (!!! REQUIRED to move to the next difficulty !!!)


LiuKang1080, FloorGeneral, DumChickenBiryani, DuppyConQR Nioh 2 Build Bible: Ocean Machine: Link to Nioh 2 Build Bible Nioh Community Discord Server: Here