Melee Weapon Temper Tables

Weapons icon
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Standard Gear Attribute Tables

Attributes within a table conflict with other attributes in that same table. Attributes in the No Conflict Table do not conflict with each other.

Amrita Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Amrita Earned 1.5% 1.7% Yes
Amrita Earned vs. Humans 1.9% 2.1% Yes
Amrita Earned vs. Yokai 1.9% 2.1% Yes

Break Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Active Skill Break 17.9% 22.9% Yes
[Strong / Quick] Attack Break 17.9% 22.9% Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Attack Break 17.9% 22.9% Yes

Imbue Element Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Imbue Fire 13 15 Yes
Imbue Water 13 15 Yes
Imbue Lightning 13 15 Yes
Imbue Poison 13 15 Yes
Imbue Paralysis 13 15 Yes

Random Drop / Forge Only (Conflicts with other Imbue Stats)

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
special effect icon Imbue Purity (Innate Stat) 6 8 No
Imbue Purity (Random Drop Only) 5 7 No
special effect icon Imbue Corruption (Innate Stat) 6 8 No
Imbue Corruption (Random Drop Only) 5 7 No

Life Drain Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Life Drain (Melee Kill) 223 293 Yes
Life Drain (Active Skill) 28 30 Yes
Life Drain (Grapple) 223 273 Yes
Life Drain (Final Blow) 223 273 Yes
Life Drain (High Attack) 22 24 Yes
Life Drain (Mid Attack) 24 26 Yes
Life Drain (Low Attack) 23 25 Yes
Life Drain (Strong Attack) 27 30 Yes
Life Drain (Quick Attack) 24 26 Yes
Life Drain (Melee Attack) 22 24 Yes

Attack Ki Consumption Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
[Strong / Quick] Attack Ki Consumption -7.2% -7.4% Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Attack Ki Consumption -7.2% -7.4% Yes
Active Skill Ki Consumption -6.7% -6.9% Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Active Skill Ki Consumption -8.2% -8.4% Yes
Melee Attack Ki Consumption -5.4% -5.6% Yes

Guard Ki Consumption Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Guard Ki Consumption (Critical) -14.4% -14.9 Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Guard Ki Consumption -8.2% -8.4% Yes
Guard Ki Consumption -7.7% -7.9% Yes

Damage Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Backstab Damage 7.9% 10.9% Yes
Attack Bonus (Amrita Guage) B+ A Yes
Attack Bonus [STAT] A- A+ Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Attack Damage 3.9% 4.3% Yes
[Strong / Quick] Attack Damage 3.9% 4.3% Yes
Melee Damage (Critical) 9.9% 10.9% Yes
Melee Damage (Unscathed) 2.9% 3.2% Yes
Melee Damage vs. [Human / Yokai] 2.9% 3.2% Yes
Melee Damage 4.0% 4.2% Yes
Active Skill Damage 3.9% 4.3% Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Active Skill Damage 4.9% 5.9% Yes
Damage Bonus (Agility) A- A Yes
Damage Bonus (Enemies Defeated) A- A Yes
Damage Bonus (Familiarity) A- A Yes
Damage Bonus (Unarmored) A- A Yes
Damage Bonus (Equipment Lightness) AA- AA Yes
Damage Vs. Revenants 14.9% 17.9% Yes

Ki Damage Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Strong Attack Ki Damage 9.9% 12.9% Yes
Active Skill Ki Damage 9.9% 12.9% Yes
[High / Mid / Low] Active Skill Ki Damage 4.9% 5.9% Yes
Melee Ki Damage 8.9% 11.9% Yes

Other Damage Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Grapple Damage 11.9% 12.4% Yes
Final Blow Damage 9.9% 12.4% Yes

Skill Name Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
[Skill Name] Damage (Conflicts with Damage Stats) 8.9% 9.9% Yes
[Skill Name] Ki Damage (Does not conflict with Ki Damage Stats) 8.9% 9.9% Yes
[Skill Name] Bonus (Ki Recovery) 249 299 Yes
[Skill Name] Duration 8.9% 9.9% Yes

Moonlit Snow Attributes (Odachi Only)

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Buff icon Increased Attack (Moonlit Snow) - - Yes
Buff icon Increased Defense (Moonlit Snow) - - Yes
Buff icon Faster Ki Recovery (Moonlit Snow) - - Yes
Buff icon Faster Movement (Moonlit Snow) - - Yes
Buff icon Pleiades (Moonlit Snow) - - Yes

No Conflict

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
Break 14 19 Yes
Block 14 19 Yes
Block (Critical) 13.2% 13.4% Yes
Melee Ki Consumption (Critical) -7.2% -7.4% Yes
debuff icon [Status] Accumulation (Enemy) 12.9% 15.9% Yes
Gold Earned 3.1% 3.5% Yes
Familiarity Bonus 44.9% 49.9% Yes
Tonfa Gun (Tonfa only) - - Yes

Dream of the Nioh Starred Attributes

Attributes within a table conflict with other attributes in that same table. Attributes in the No Conflict Table do not conflict with each other.

Life Drain Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
starred icon Life Drain (Active Skill) 70 - 80 90 - 100 No

Damage Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
starred icon Melee Damage vs. debuff icon Scorched Enemy 11.1% - 12.0% 14.1% - 15.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage vs. debuff icon Saturated Enemy 11.1% - 12.0% 14.1% - 15.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage vs. debuff icon Electrified Enemy 11.1% - 12.0% 14.1% - 15.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage vs. debuff icon Purified Enemy 11.1% - 12.0% 14.1% - 15.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage vs. debuff icon Corrupted Enemy 11.1% - 12.0% 14.1% - 15.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage 4.1% - 5.0% 7.1% - 8.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage (Unscathed) 8.1% - 9.0% 11.1% - 12.0% No
starred icon Melee Damage (Critical) 11.1% - 12.0% 14.1% - 15.0% No
starred icon Active Skill Damage 8.1% - 9.0% 10.1% - 11.0% No
starred icon Elemental Weapon Damage 7.1% - 8.0% 9.1% - 10.0% No
starred icon Attack Bonus (CORE STAT) A+ AA No

Ki Damage Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
starred icon Melee Ki Damage 13.1% - 14.0% 16.1% - 17.0% No
starred icon Active Skill Ki Damage 16.1% - 17.0% 19.1% - 20.0% No

Other Damage Attributes

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
starred icon Grapple Damage 17.0% - 18.0% 19.0% - 20.0% No
starred icon Final Blow Damage 17.0% - 18.0% 19.0% - 20.0% No

No Conflict

Attribute Familiarity
Inheritable ? inherit icon
0 999
starred icon Block 24 - 25 29 - 30 No
starred icon Break 24 - 25 29 - 30 No
starred icon Grace Inheritance (Soul Match) - - No
starred icon Mystic Dyad [WEAPON] - - No
starred icon Rarity Inheritance (Soul Match) - - No
starred icon Transform Bonus [CORE STAT] - - Yes


LiuKang1080, Oninomiru Ocean Machine's Nioh 2 Build Bible Nioh Community Discord Server: Here