Graces / Sets

Table of Contents:

  1. Base Game Light Armor Sets
  2. Base Game Medium Armor Sets
  3. Base Game Heavy Armor Sets
  4. Dream of the Demon Sets
  5. Dream of the Wise Sets
  6. Dream of the Nioh Sets
  7. Depths of the Underworld Sets
  8. Descriptions
  9. Credits

How +Value Sets Work

+Value Set: The extra bonus of a +Value set is BOLD, and in RED. +Value sets start to drop on Dream of the Nioh. In order to obtain the +Value extra bonus you must acquire a full +Value set. You cannot mix and match a regular set with a +Value set. You can however soul match a regular set piece into a +Value set piece.

Base Game Light Armor Sets

Set Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
A Multitude of Hopes
Golden Gourd Armor
Auto-Life Recovery (Critical) Cherry Blossom Damage +10.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Amrita Earned +12.0% Increased Attack (Amrita Absorption) Attack Bonus (Amrita Gauge) AAA
Faster Movement (Amrita Absorption)
Appetite for Ascension
Merchant Armor
Gold Earned +5.0% Amrita Earned +10.0% Ki Recovery Speed +15.0% Auto-Life Recovery (Amrita Absorption)
Increased Attack (Amrita Absorption)
- -
Champion of Tosa
Tosa Governor's Armor
Life +100 Gold Earned +10.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Ki Recovery (Timely Guard) /
Singular Mastery +15.0%
Active Skill Damage +10.0%
- -
Devout Practitioner (DLC 3)
Kobo Daishi's Armor
Increased Attack & Defense (Splitstaff) +15 Life +250 Melee Damage +5.0% Dodge Ki Consumption -15.0% Life Recovery (Purification) +1000 Attack Bonus (Magic) A
Mystic Dyad (Splitstaff)
Dragon Ninja (DLC 2)
Hayabusa Armor
Life +150 Increased Attack (Ninjutsu Hit) Melee Damage +8.0% Extend Dodge Invulnerability Unlimited Shuriken True Dragon Sword
Empowered Ninjutsu B+
Head of the Iga Ninja
Iga Jonin Armor
Throwing Speed Up (Iga Enhanced Shrapnel Bomb) Ninjutsu Power +45 Melee Damage +6.5% Increased Attack & Defense (Spear) +80 Dash Ki Consumption -18.2%
Damage Bonus (Ninjutsu Power) AA
Kurama Swordmaster (DLC 1)
Yoshitsune's Armor
Increased Attack & Defense (Sword) +15 Kurama Sword Dance Damage +13.0% Melee Damage +6.0% Yokai Ability Damage (Feral) +15.0% Dodge Ki Consumption -20.0% Attack Bonus (Skill) A
Blood of the Yokai
Li, the Red Demon
Red Demon Armor
Spearfall Damage +10.0% Active Skill Ki Consumption -10.0% Melee Damage vs. Scorched Enemy +15.0% Melee Damage +7.0% Ki Recovery Speed +20.0%
Attack Bonus (Constitution) A
Master of Illusion
Flying Kato's Armor
Ninjutsu Damage (Unscathed) +10.0% Ninjutsu Power +48 Faster Ki Recovery (Ninjutsu Used) Untouched Ninjutsu +15.0% Damage Bonus (Ninjutsu Power) AAA-
Empowered Ninjutsu B+
Master of Spears
Mataza's Armor
Faster Movement (Enemy Killed) 90% Triple Threat Damage +15.0% Melee Damage +5.0% Increased Attack & Defense (Spear) +40 Active Skill Ki Consumption -10.0% Thrust Damage +10.7%
Thrust Damage +12.0%
Moonlight Flutist (DLC 2)
Samurai Noble's Armor
Life +150 Ki Recovery Speed +10.0% Tea Utensil Drop Rate +10.0% Melee Ki Damage +20.0% Finishing Flair A
Active Skill Ki Damage +15.0%
Purifying Presence
High Priest Armor
Untouched Sacred Water 35.0% Melee Damage vs. Yokai +3.0% Life Recovery (Purification) 196 Melee Damage vs. Yokai +5.0%
Counter-Yokai Tactics B-
- -
Righteous Strategist
Justice Ministry Armor
Amrita Gauge Charge +5.0% Moon Shadow Damage +20.0% Melee Damage +6.0% /
Critical Yokai Shift (Dark Realm) +40.0%
Amrita Gauge Charge +15.0% Melee Damage +9.0%
Melee Damage (Ailing Enemy) +15.0%
Ruler of the Riverside Yokai
Kawanami Clan Armor
Efficient Yokai Abilities (All) +20.2% Whirlwind Damage +15.0% Water Damage +10.0% Melee Damage +7.0% Increased Attack & Defense (Kusarigama) +80
Melee Damage vs. Saturated Enemy +20.0%
Saika's Yatagarasu
Yatagarasu Armor
Life Drain (Bullseye) 210 Dodge Ki Consumption -10.0% Melee Damage +5.0% Auto-Target Weak Point Reduced Defense (Ranged Weapon Hit) 50% Untouched Ammo +20%
Bullseye Bonus +20.0%
Servant of the Gods
Shinto Priest Armor
Untouched Sacred Water 35.0% Damage Taken vs. Yokai -3.0% Life Recovery (Purification) 196 Damage Taken vs. Yokai -5.0%
Counter-Yokai Tactics B-
- -
Straight and True (DLC 1)
Blessed Sleeve Armor
Bullseye Bonus +25.0% Auto-Target Weak Point Melee Damage +5.0% Ki +60 Untouched Arrows 20.0%
Bow Damage +20.0%
Tactician's Ingenuity
Legendary Strategist's Armor
Enemy Sensor Amrita Earned +5.0% /
Treasure Sensor
Melee Damage +6.0% Melee Ki Damage 20.0%
Finishing Flair B+
- -
The Spirit of Seimei
Genmei Onmyo Mage Armor
Onmyo Magic Damage (Unscathed) +10.0% Onmyo Magic Power +48 Reduced Defense (Enemy) (Onmyo Magic) Untouched Onmyo Magic +15.0%
Ultimate Magic
- -
The Triumph of Tranquility
Master Swordsman Armor
Ki Recovery (Unscathed) +5.0% Melee Damage +3.0% Increased Attack & Defense (Sword) +50 /
Ki Pulse Recovery +10.0%
Active Skill Damage +10.0%
Melee Damage (Unscathed) +12.0%
- -
The Vicissitudes of Life
Pit Viper's Armor
Active Skill Ki Consumption -5.0% Ki +50 Melee Damage vs. Yokai +6.0% Auto Life Recovery (Purification)
Melee Damage vs. Poisoned Enemy +20.0%
- -
Yokai Slayer
Sohaya Garb Armor
Item Drop Rate vs. Yokai +5.0% Stealth (Yokai Enemies) A Melee Damage vs. Yokai +5.5% Life Drain (Melee Kill) 196
Melee Damage vs. Yokai +12.0%
- -

Light Armor Special Boon Set
Set Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC
Yokai Slayer
Sohaya Deserter Armor
Item Drop rate vs. Yokai +5.0% Stealth (Yokai Enemies) A Melee Damage vs. Yokai +5.5% Life Drain (Melee Kill) 196
Melee Damage vs. Yokai +12.0%

Base Game Medium Armor Sets

Set Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
A Deadly Conviction (DLC 3)
Suzuka's Armor
Life +150 Ki +60 Anima Bonus (Purification) +1.0 Melee Damage +8.0% /
Yokai Ability Charge (Yokai Shift) +20.0%
Anima Charge +20.0%
- -
Brilliant Strategem
Imakomei's Armor
Blindness Status on Scorched Enemy Reduced Defense (Ranged Weapon) 50.0% Burn Accumulation (Enemy) +15.0% Melee Damage vs. Scorched Enemy +10.0%
Fire Damage +15.0%
- -
Exemplary Eye for Elegance
Swallowtail Armor
Luck (Critical) +30 Damage Taken -3.0% tea Utensil Drop Rate +5.0% Ki +70 Melee Damage +7.0% Luck (Critical)
Tea Utensil Drop Rate +50%
First of the Four Guardians (DLC 2)
Brave Demon Hunter's Armor
Life +150 Archer's Impact Damage +13.0% Damage Taken vs. Yokai -6.0% Ki Recovery Speed +15.0% Active Skill Ki Consumption -15.0% Attack Bonus (Strength) A
Mystic Dyad (Fists)
Hero of Troubled Times
Vice-Minister's Armor
Rifle Speed Up Damage Taken -2.5% High Attack Damage /
Auto-Life Recovery (Enemy in Confusion)
Rifle Damage +20.0%
- - -
Hunter of Tigers
Tiger of Higo Armor
Life +100 Piercing Rain Damage +15.0% Faster Ki Recovery (Critical) Thrust Damage +6.0% Damage Taken -3.5% Attack Bonus (Skill) B+
Ultimate Strength
Imperial Ward (DLC 2)
Demon Slayer's Armor
Increased Attack & Defense (Dual Swords) +15 Sacred Bird Flight Damage +13.0% Ki Recovery Speed +10.0% Purified Accumulation (Enemy) +15.0% Anima Bonus (Purified Enemy) A Counter-Yokai Tactics A
Melee Damage vs. Purified Enemy +20.0%
Legendary Mikawa Warrior
Diehard's Armor
Melee Ki Consumption (Critical) -15.0% Melee Damage (Critical) +10.0% Damage Taken -3.0% Ki +70 Melee Damage (Critical) +15.0%
Damage Bonus (Health Lost) A
National Unity
Conqueror's Armor
Faster Sword of Meditation Activation Damage Bonus (Enemies Defeated) B Damage Taken -3.0% Melee Damage +5.0% /
Gain Amrita (Strong Attack) 30
Active Skill Damage +13.0%
- -
One-Eyed Dragon's Ambition
One-Eyed Dragon Armor
Life +100 Amrita Sensor Melee Damage +4.0% Ki +45 Damage Bonus (Consecutive Attacks) A
Melee Ki Consumption -20.0%
One for All, All for One
Gallant Armor
Life +100 Night Rain Damage +20.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Damage Taken -3.5% Strong Attack Ki Consumption -20.0%
Sheathed Active Skill Damage +15.0%
Onmyo Austerity
Onmyo Warrior's Armor
Onmyo Magic Power +25 Devastating Rush Damage +15.0% Reduced Attack (Onmyo Magic Hit) Damage Bonus (Onmyo Magic Power) A-
Empowered Onmyo Magic B-
- -
Saruyasha's Valor
Kohoku Master's Armor
Amrita Gauge Charge 10.0% Anima Charge +10.0% Damage Taken -3.0% Attack Bonus (Amrita Gauge) A Dodge Ki Consumption -20.0%
Damage Bonus (Anima) A
Seven Misfortunes, Eight Hardships
Moonprayer Armor
Life +100 Melee Damage +5.0% /
Extend Ailments
Damage Bonus (Ailing Enemy) A+ Damage Taken (Ailing) -18.0% Melee Damage (Critical) +25.0%
Damage Bonus (Health Lost) A
Shadows of a Dream (DLC 3)
Dreaming Demon Armor
Life +150 Anima Charge +10.0% Extend Yokai Shift +20.0% Melee Damage +8.0% Amrita Bonus (Inflict Corruption) B+ Yokai Ability Damage (Yokai Shift) +20.0%
Melee Damage (Ailing Enemy) +20.0%
The Crossed Sickles
Kingo Armor
Life +100 Final Blow Damage +10.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Backstab Damage +15.0% Melee Ki Damage +15.0%
Finishing Flair A
The Honor in Harmony
Hyuga Director's Armor
Life +100 Flowing Shadow Damage +15.0% Damage Taken -3.5% Increased Attack (Onmyo Magic Hit) Active Skill Ki Damage +15.0%
Empowered Onmyo Magic B+
The Red of Devotion
Sanada's Crimson Armor
Life +100 Never Winded 50.0% Melee Damage +4.0% /
Block +20
Break +25 Damage Bonus (Damage Taken) A
Melee Damage (Cross Spear Equipped) +15.0%
The Rightful Eccentric
Eccentric Armor
Easy Target A+ Life +150 Strong Attack Damage +6.0% Luck +20 Strong Attack Damage +8.0%
Valiant Wonderer (DLC 1)
Great Hachiryo's Armor
Piercing Projectiles Bow Damage +20.0% Increased Attack & Defense (Tonfa) +40 Melee Damage +6.0% Damage Taken -4.5% Attack Bonus (Courage) A
Ultimate Courage
Warrior of the West's Honor
Warrior of the West Armor
Life +100 Tiger Sprint Damage +20.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Melee Damage vs. Electrified Enemy +15.0% Active Skill Ki Consumption -10.0% Melee Damage (No Backstab Bonus) +7.0%
Yokai Annihilator
Sohaya Armor
Item Drop Rate vs. Yokai +5.0% Stealth (Yokai Enemies) A Melee Damage vs. Yokai +5.5% Life Drain (Melee Kill) 196
Melee Damage vs. Yokai +12.0%
- -

Medium Armor Special Boon Set
Set Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC
The Protection of Tamura Shrine
First Samurai Armor
Guard Ki Recovery +25.0% Bullseye Bonus 30.0% Active Skill Damage +5.0% Ki Pulse Recovery +10.0%
Damage Bonus (Amrita Guage) A

Base Game Heavy Armor Sets

Set Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
A Master Swordsman's Power
Master Swordsman Armor
Life +150 Active Skill Ki Consumption -10.0% Damage Taken -4.0% /
Sign of the Cross Damage +15.0%
Increased Attack & Defense (Dual Swords) +40 Ki Pulse Recovery +15.0%
Mystic Dyad (Dual Swords)
Dragon God's Sacred Treasure
Arrowbane Armor
Life +150 Nullify Bullseye Bonus (Ranged Attack) 100.0% /
Projectile Damage Taken -25.0%
Damage Taken -4.5% /
Stalwart (Bullet & Arrows)
Melee Damage +6.0%
Active Skill Damage +10.0%
- -
Golden Boy
Master Archer Armor
Bow Damage +20.0% Lightning Damage +15.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Life +143 Melee Damage vs. Electrified Enemy +20.0% Life +143
Damage Bonus (Bow Damage) A
Japan's Bravest
The Exceptional One's Armor
Life +150 Tornado Damage +20.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Active Skill Damage +6.0%
Attack Bonus (Constitution) A
Kintaro Armor
Life +150 Rumbling Earth Damage +20.0% Damage Taken -4.0% /
Battle Focus Duration +30.0%
Increased Attack & Defense (Axe) +45 Strong Attack Damage +15.0%
Increased Attack & Defense (Axe) +200
Mighty Monk (DLC 1)
Benkei's Armor
Life +150 Toughness +20 Roar Power Damage +13.0% Yokai Ability Damage (Brute) +15.0% Damage Taken -6.0% Melee Damage +15.0%
Mystic Dyad (All)
Prestige of the Genji Bloodline Life +150 Guard Ki Recovery +30.0% /
Increased Defense (Amrita Absorption)
Damage Taken -4.0% Auto-Life Recovery (Timely Guard)
Melee Damage +15.0%
- -
Pride of the Sakanoue (DLC 2)
Scion of Tamura's Armor
Life +150 Damage Taken -4.0% Increased Attack & Defense (Spear) +30 Ki Pulse Recovery +20.0% Untouched Ammo 10.0% Thrust Damage +15.0%
Mystic Dyad (Spear)
Profligate Sinner
Malefactor's Armor
Throwing Speed Up (Gunpowder Bomb) Melee Damage vs. Paralyzed Enemy +40.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Bomb Damage +20.0% Untouched Gunpowder Bomb 20.0%
Throwing Weapon Damage +15.0%
Samurai From Dark Lands
Obsidian Armor
Rage Duration +30.0% Damage Taken -3.0% Life +100 Melee Damage +5.0% Life Drain (Lightning Attack) B+ Attack Bonus (Stamina) A
Melee Damage vs. Electrified Enemy
The Bold and the Boorish
Oni Shibata Armor
Life +150 Damage Taken (Mid-Attack) -10.0% Increased Attack &Defense (Hatchets) +20 Damage Taken -4.5% High Attack Damage +7.0% Ki Recovery Speed +20.0%
Ultimate Stamina
The Crime of Patricide
Genryu's Armor
Extend Yokai Shift +10.0% Amrita Gauge Charge +15.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Melee Damage (Dark Realm) +12.0% Anima Bonus (Amrita Absorption) A
Melee Damage (Awakened Weapon) +20.0%
The God of War Looks Down
Tatenashi Armor
Projectile Damage Taken -15.0% Damage Taken -3.0% Damage Bonus (Equipment Weight) A Damage Taken -3.0% /
Elemental Damage Taken -20.0%
Ultimate Stamina
- -
The Heroic Raging Bull
Raging Bull Armor
Life +150 Melee Damage +3.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Auto-Life Recovery (Amrita Absorption) Dispel Ailments (Timely Guard)
Attack Bonus (Stamina) B+
The Protection of Kannon (DLC 2)
Sincere Buddha's Armor
Life +150 Empty Retribution Damage +15.0% Increased Defense (Timely Guard) Guard Ki Consumption -8.0% Attack Bonus (Poison Resistance) A Poison Resistance +20.0%
Mysitc Dyad (Switchglaive)
Tranquil Foundations
Greater Good Armor
Life +150 Ki +30 Damage Taken -4.0% Untouched Elixer +30.0% Melee Damage +5.0%
Rock Solid
Unifier of the Warring States
Child of the Sun Armor
Life +150 Equipment Drop Rate +5.0% /
Increased Luck (Amrita Absorption)
Damage Taken -4.0% Luck Bonus (Amrita Gauge) A Damage Bonus (Luck) A+
Luck +100
Unrelenting Grasp (DLC 1)
Taira-no-Kagekiyo Armor
Life +150 Life Drain (Grapple) 200 Grapple Damage +24.0% Damage Taken -5.0% Strong Attack Ki Damage +15.0%
Finishing Flair A
Vanquisher (DLC 3)
Legendary Shogun's Armor
Life +150 Ki Recovery Speed +10.0% Bullseye Bonus +20.0% Active Skill Damage +8.0% Ki Pulse Bonus +150 Melee Damage +12.0%
Attack Bonus (Strength) A
Warrior of the East's Honor
Warrior of the East Armor
Merciless Barrage Damage +30.0% Damage Taken -3.0% Melee Damage +4.0% Attack Bonus (Constitution) A Life Drain (Active Skill) 25
Mystic Dyad (Spear)

Heavy Armor Special Boon Set
Set Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC
Demon Incarnate
Demon Horde Armor
Life Drain (Melee Kill) 150 Defense Bonus (Amrita Gauge) B /
Attack (Yokai Shift) +30
Faster Ki Recovery (Amrita Absorption) Amrita Gauge Charge +15.0%
Extend Yokai Shift +25.0%

Dream of the Demon Sets

Grace Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
Benzaiten's Grace Life +252 Ninjutsu Power +30 Damage Taken -4.0% Amrita Earned +10.0% Versatility Ki Recovery Speed +15.0%
Bishamonten's Grace Life +252 Gold Earned +8.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Active Skill Damage +6.0% Increased Attack (Timely Guard) Attack Bonus (Strength) B
Daikokuten's Grace Life +252 Equipment Drop Rate +5.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Ninjutsu Power +50 Increased Attack (Ninjutsu Used) Attack Bonus (Dexterity) B
Ebisu's Grace Life +252 Luck +15 Damage Taken -4.0% Increased Luck (Enemy Killed) +52.0% Luck +25 Item Drop rate +15.0%
Fukuroju's Grace Life +252 Dispel Ailments (Medicine) 62.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Luck +20 Melee Damage +5.0% Damage Taken -5.0%
Hachiman's Grace Life +252 Untouched Arrows 10.0% Damage taken -4.0% Increased Defense (Timely Guard) Attack Bonus (Bow Damage) A Bow Damage +20.0%
Hotei's Grace Life +252 Ki Recovery (Unscathed) +7.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Melee Damage (Unscathed) +5.0% Auto-Life Recovery (Timely Guard) Attack Bonus (Heart) B
Inari's Grace Life +252 Onmyo Magic Power +30 Damage Taken -4.0% Elemental Weapon Damage +10.0% Faster Ki-Recovery (Onmyo Magic Used) Elemental Weapon Damage +10.0%
Jurojin's Grace Life +252 Untouched Daion-Jin's Sake 52.0% Damage Taken -4.0% Onmyo Magic Power +50 Auto-Life Recovery (Onmyo Magic Used) Attack Bonus (Magic) B
Kuzuryu's Grace Life +252 Anima Bonus (Water Attack) B- Damage Taken -4.0% Ki Recovery Bonus (Amrita Gauge) B+ Attack Bonus (Anima) A Anima +1.0

Dream of the Wise Sets

Grace Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
Acala's Grace Life +358 Defense +100 Auto-Life Recovery (Timely Guard) Extend Timely Guard Window Guard Ki Consumption -30.0% Rock Solid
Ame-no-Uzume's Grace Life +358 Faster Movement (Dodge Attack) Faster Ki Recovery (Dodge Attack) Dodge Range Up Dodge Ki Consumption Death Dancer
Grace of Amaterasu Life +358 Life Drain (Melee Kill) 250 Life +580 Ki Recovery Speed +20.0% Auto-Life Recovery (Purification) Melee Damage (Unscathed) +20.0%
Grace of Kagutsuchi Life +358 Burn Accumulation (Enemy) +25.0% Ki Damage vs. Scorched Enemy +20.0% Auto-Life Recovery (Timely Guard) Fire Damage +30.0% Melee Damage vs. Scorched Enemy +35.0%
Grace of Owatatsumi Life +358 Saturation Accumulation (Enemy) +25.0% Ki Damage vs. Saturated Enemy +20.0% Increased Defense (Timely Guard) Water Damage +30.0% Melee Damage vs. Saturated Enemy +35.0%
Grace of Susano Life +358 Damage Taken -6.0% Ki Recovery Speed +10.0% Increased Defense (Purification) Versatility Mystic Dyad (All)
Grace of Takemikazuchi Life +358 Shock Accumulation (Enemy) +25.0% Ki Damage vs. Electrified Enemy +20.0% Faster Movement (Timely Guard) Lightning Damage +30.0% Melee Damage vs. Electrified Enemy +35.0%
Grace of Tsukuyomi Life +358 Reduced Defense (Onmyo Magic Hit) Onmyo Magic Power +70 Onmyo Magic Damage (Unscathed) +15.0% Untouched Onmyo Magic +15.0% Empowered Onmyo Magic A
Magatsuhi's Grace Life +358 Anima +1.0 Sentience Charge +100.0% Yokai Ability Damage (Corrupted Enemy) +15.0% Anima Charge (Awakened Weapon) +50.0% Melee Damage (Awakened Weapon) +20.0%
Marici's Grace Life +358 Reduced Defense (Ninjutsu Hit) Ninjutsu Power +70 Ninjutsu Damage (Unscathed) +15.0% Untouched Ninjutsu +15.0% Empowered Ninjutsu A

Dream of the Nioh Sets

Grace Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
Grace of Futsunushi Life +434 Ki Recovery Speed +10.0% Ki Pulse Recovery 30.0% Melee Attack Ki Consumption -10.0% Melee Damage +10.0% Sheathed Active Skill Damage +40.0%
Izanagi's Grace Life +434 Ki Recovery Speed +10.0% Increased Defense (Purification) Purified Accumulation (Enemy) +30.0% Melee Damage vs. Purified Enemy +30.0% Cleansing Prayer
Izanami's Grace Life +434 Other Realm Resistance +50.0 Life Recovery (Yokai Realm) Anima Charge (Dark Realm) +25.0% Living Dead Melee Damage (Dark Realm) +40.0%
Ninigi's Grace Life +434 Damage Taken -5.0% Ki Recovery Speed +15.0% Active Skill Ki Damage +15.0% Melee Ki Damage +30.0% Finishing Flair AA
Okuninushi's Grace Life +434 Elemental Transmission Ki Recovery Speed +15.0% Elemental Weapon Damage +10.0% Darting Blade A Elemental Weapon Damage +15.0%
Omoikane's Grace Life +434 Elemental Damage +15.0% Ninjutsu Power +60 Ninjutsu Item Damage +20.0% Ninjutsu Power +90 Untouched Jutsu 40.0%
Sarutahiko's Grace Life +434 Anima +2.0 Yokai Ability Damage (Yokai Shift) +20.0% Yokai Ability Charge (Yokai Shift) +30.0% Melee Damage vs. Corrupted Enemy +30.0% Blood of the Yokai
Sukunahikona's Grace
Sudama Re-Roll Only
Life +434 Enemy / Treasure / Amrita / Kodama Sensor Luck +100 Equipment Drop Rate +20.0% Untouched Saisetsu-Shin's Sake 80.0% Ethereal Drop Rate AAA
Takeminakata's Grace Life +434 Damage Taken -5.0% Ki Recovery Speed +15.0% Melee Attack Ki Consumption -8.0% Melee Damage +12.0% Active Skill Damage +20.0%
Tajikarao's Grace
Sudama Re-Roll Only
Life +434 Faster Ki Recovery (Bare-Handed) Increased Defense (Bare-Handed Attack) Increased Attack (Bare-Handed Attack) Bare-Handed Ki Pulse Bare-Handed Attack Damage +500.0%

Depths of the Underworld Sets

Grace Name 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC
Grace of Oyamatsumi Life +500 Guard Ki Recovery +7.0% Damage Taken -8.0 Damage Taken Halved (Unscathed) 100.0% Life +30.0% Melee Damage +14.0%
Grace of Shinatsuhiko Ki +150 Faster Movement (Amrita Absorption) Dodge Ki Consumption -20.0% Ki Recovery Speed +20.0% Extended Status Enhancements +30.0% Melee Attack Ki Consumption -30.0%


Blood of the Yokai: Grants you the Blood of the Yokai status enhancement each time you hit an enemy with a Yokai Ability. This effect can stack up to 5 times. The higher this number gets, the faster you earn Anima. Spending Anima will give you Amrita in proportion to the amount of Anima spent.

Cleansing Prayer: Grants you the Blessing of the Trinity status enhancement each time you perform a purification. This effect can stack up to 3 times. At 1 stack you will automatically regenerate health. At 2 stacks, your Ki recovery speed will also increase. At 3 stacks, you will also deal increased melee damage.

Darting Blade: Using Flash Attack when you have two different weapon types equipped increases the damage dealt by Flash Attack and grants you the Darting Blade status enhancement. This status reduces your Ki consumption when performing melee attacks and speeds up your Ki recovery. This special effect is not triggered if you are already under the effects of Darting Blade.

Death Dancer: Grants you the Death Dancer status enhancement when you perform a melee attack if you have nottaken damage for a certain amount of time. Fulfilling the effect's requirments again increases its stack by 1 (up to a max of 9). The higher this number gets, the higher your melee attack power will be. Being hit by an enemy will cause you to lose 2 stacks, but if you block the attack the stack will only be reduced by 1.

Elemental Transmission:When switching from a weapon imbued with an element to another, the weapon you are switching to will inherit the element of your previous weapon. This also extends the duration of your weapon's elemental imbuement.

Finishing Flair: Increases damage dealt in proportion to the scale of your Ki damage when performing a melee attack against a Winded Enemy, Grapple, or Final Blow.

Living Dead: Receiving fatal damage will leave you with one health point and briefly grant you a period invincibility. You will also be afflicted with the Call of the Dead status ailment, which cannot be removed. While this ailment is active, you can heal yourself by dealing melee damage to enemies, but this is your only allowed source of healing. The Call of the Dead will disappear if you fully heal yourself or defeat your enemies. Failing to remove this ailment will result in death. This effect can only be activated once, but can be activated again after praying at a Shrine.

Mystic Dyad: Allows you to have two Mystic Arts active for the specified weapon. This has no effect if you do not have any Mystic Arts activated.

Rock Solid: Grants you the Rock Solid status enhancement when you perform a melee attack within a certain time frame after guarding. Fulfilling the effect's requirments again increases its stack by 1 (up to a max of 9). As this number goes up, your melee attack power will increase while your Ki consumption and elemental damage received while guarding decreases, Being hit by an enemy without guarding will cause you to lose 1 stack.

Singular Mastery: Increases damage dealt with a specific Active Skill in a specific stance when it is the only Active Skill set to that stance.

True Dragon Sword: Speeds up Ki recovery and increases your Attack when you are using the Dragon Sword or Falcon Claws.

Versatility: Grants you the Versatility status enhancement when you hit an enemy with an Active Skill. The stack will increase by 1 every time you land a strike, up to a max of 9. The higher this number gets, the higher your melee attack power will be. Each Active Skill must be unique to count towards this effect. An advanced version of a skill (denoted by "II", etc.) is considered the same as its base version for this purpose.


Credits: LiuKang1080

Grace / Set Descriptions: Oninomiru, LiuKang1080

Nioh 2 Build Bible: OceanMachine - Link to Nioh 2 Build Bible

Nioh Community Discord Server: Link to Discord Server
