Depths of the Underworld

Structure and Mechanics of the Depths

Unlocking the Depths of the Underworld: The player must complete all 108 Floors of the Underworld in order to unlock the Depths of the Underworld. The Depths of the Underworld contains the most difficult enemies and bosses.

Structure of the Depths of the Underworld: The Depths is very similar to the previous 108 Floors of the Underworld containing an extra 30 Floors. ALL 30 Floors of the Depths are randomized, and change daily at the same time when Twilight Missions change. Upon entering the Depths you will spawn in Terra Firma. Here you can rest at the shrine, talk to Ono no Takamura, and enter the boat that will take you to the Netherscape. Spawning into the Netherscape will place you in a random level with enemies where you can collect up to 4 Jizo Kodama, or you can enter the Crucible to fight the random Floor boss to progress to the next Floor.

Special mechanics of the Depths of the Underworld: Progression and saving progress in the Depths works differently compared to the previous 108 Floors. The player must complete at least 5 Floors of the Depths in order for progress to be saved. Since progress is saved every 5 Floors, leaving the Depths before reaching the next Floor that is divisible by 5 will reset the progress and spawn the player back to the previous Floor divisible by 5 when returning to the Depths. EX) A player plays from Depths Floor 1 to Floor 8, progress is saved on Floor 5. If the players quits the Depths on Floor 8, the next time they spwan into the Depths they will start at Floor 5, NOT at Floor 8! The player must reach Depths Floor 10 for the next progression save. You can always use the items: Divine Branch, and Divine Branch Fragment to leave the Depths of the Underworld at any time.

Multiple Bosses: For all 108 Floors of the Underworld the player has to defeat only 1 boss on each Floor. The Depths of the Underworld is slightly different with the number of bosses the player faces on each Floor. The pool of bosses from the Underworld is the same for the Depths.
- Between Depth Floors 1 - 10: The player faces 1 boss in the Crucible.
- Between Depth Floors 11 - 20: The player faces 2 bosses (one after another) in the Crucible.
- Between Depth Floors 21 - 30: The player faces 3 bosses (one after another) in the Crucible.


Credits: LiuKang1080, Isaka, FloorGeneral

Nioh 2 Build Bible: OceanMachine Link to Nioh 2 Build Bible

Nioh Community Discord Server: Link to Discord Server
