Main Boss - Saito Yoshitatsu

Table of Contents:

  1. Description / Lore
  2. Missions This Boss Appears In
  3. Fighting Strategies
  4. Credits

Description / Lore

Saito Yoshitatsu is a daimyo of the Mino Province and Saito Donsan's son and heir. Upon Dosan's retirement, Yoshitatsu inherited the leadership of the clan and became the master of Inabayama Castle. However, he and his father would later become enemies. Yoshitatsu also fought against Oda Nobunaga of Owari, using the crumbling ruins of Inabayama as his base of operations.

In order to obtain the power needed to stand against his father, Yoshitatsu turned to the Spirit Stones. Eventually, he instigated a rebellion against his father in the hope of seizing Donsan's amassed store of Spirit Stones, sending an army that included Yokai to attack Dosan and driving him to his death.

The Oda forces began to advance on Inabayama Castle, intending to capture Mino. The day before the castle fell, the protagonist bearing a striking resemblance to Yoshitatsu arrived in the castle keep. Before he could say anything, Yoshitatsu collapsed, and the Man With The Staff emerged from his corrupted body. Yoshitatsu had been enthralled by the Spirit Stones, and the Man With The Staff had seized upon the weakness in Yoshitatsu's heart to consume him. It was a truly miserable way to go.

A long time ago, Saito Dosan, who had once gone by the name "Hidetatsu", had bestowed the names Hide and Tatsu on his two children. This is why the name "Hide" is inscribed upon the protagonist's dagger.

Missions This Boss Appears In

Legend: Missions in red are Twilight Missions.

First mission this boss appears in: The Hollow Fortress
Other missions this boss appears in: The Point Of No Return, Against All Comers
Boss appears in the Underworld: Yes

Boss appears in the Depths of the Underworld: Yes
Floors: 22, 54, 92

Fighting Strategies

Saito Yoshitatsu is the main human boss for the Main Mission The Hollow Fortress. Saito Yoshitatsu's gender changes depending on what the player chose in the Character Creater, Saito Yoshitatsu always looks like the player. Saito Yoshitatsu uses a Sword, Dual Swords, and an Odachi. Saito Yoshitatsu is also a Shiftling just like the player and will occasionally go into Yokai Shift during the battle. Saito Yoshitatsu has 2 Yokai Shift forms, depending on what Guaridan Spirit the player chose at the beginning of the game. If the player chose Makai (Brute), then Yoshitatsu will have Ame-no-Mitori (Feral) and Kagewani (Phantom). If the player chose Ame-no-Mitori (Feral), then Yoshitatsu will have Makai (Brute) and Kagewani (Phantom). If the player chose Kagewani (Phantom), then Yoshitatsu will have Makai (Brute) and Ame-no-Mitori (Feral). When Yoshitatsu changes into his Yokai Shift his stamina bar disappears, and is replaced with a purple stamin bar for Yokais. When the Yokai Stamin bar reaches zero Yoshitatsu will leave his Yokai Shift.

Drops / Smithing Texts
Key Items: The player's second Guardian Spirit (Mission Reward)
Soul Core: Mortal Soul Core
Smithing Texts: Tokagemaru (Sword), Udoto (Sword), Weathered Bone & Bleached Twig (Dual Sowrds), Bonepile Spear (Spear), Torch Spear (Spear), Rotten Rope Cutter (Kusarigama), Barbarian's Hatchets (Hatchets), Seething Dragon (Switchglaive), Tsuchigumo Clawed Fists (Fists), Genryu's Armor (Armor Set)
Hidden Skills: Dragon Fang (Sword), Dragon Claw (Dual Swords), Dragon Horn (Odachi)
Crafting Materials: -

Weakness: Corruption
Resistances: Purity
Complete Immunity: -

PooferLlama's Nioh 2 Academy - Creating Openings
Fighting Cowboy's Nioh 2 Walkthrough Part 16 - Saito Yoshitatsu
Burst Counters


Credits: LiuKang1080

Nioh 2 Numbers Spreadsheet: Fat Valentine - Link to Nioh 2 Numbers Spreadsheet
Enemy / Boss Compendium: Fat Valnetine - Link to Nioh Enemy / Boss Compendium

Nioh 2 Build Bible: OceanMachine - Link to Nioh 2 Build Bible

Nioh Community Discord Server: Link to Discord Server
