Yokai Main Boss - Onryoki

Table of Contents:

  1. Description / Lore
  2. Missions This Boss Appears In
  3. Fighting Strategies
  4. Credits

Description / Lore

A huge red oni born from a pack of angry ghosts. Half of its face is contorted in anger, the other twisted with grudge. The faces of countless vengful ghosts appear across its body. letting out shrieks that send terror down the spines of all within earshot.

Filled with fury and rage, the sight of a living human sends it into a berserk rampage. Its perferred attack, using iron balls and chains draped over its body, is powerful enough to defeat even highly experienced samurai.

The two horns on its head emit a weird glow. It is said that horns represent the source of power for an oni, meaning they lose their strength if their horns are damaged. But only the most powerful and precise strike could hope to shatter them . . .

Missions This Boss Appears In

Legend: Missions in red are Twilight Missions.

First mission this boss appears in: The Hollow Fortress
Other missions this boss appears in: The Golden Nation, Stray Cats, The Nine Symbols, Dawn of Hope
Boss appears in the Underworld: Yes

Boss appears in the Depths of the Underworld: Yes
Floors: 8, 51

Fighting Strategies

Onryoki first appears as a mini boss in the Main Mission The Hollow Fortress. The player encounters Onryoki as a main boss in the Side Missions The Golden Nation and Stray Cats.

Drops / Smithing Texts
Key Items: Rusty Key
Soul Core: Onryoki Soul Core
Smithing Texts: Onryoki Helmet (Head Gear)
Hidden Skills: -
Crafting Materials: -

Weakness: Purity, Water, Confusion
Resistances: Fire, Corruption, Poison
Complete Immunity: -

PooferLlama's Nioh 2 Academy - Facing a Familiar Foe
Fighting Cowboy's Nioh 2 Walkthrough Part 15 - The Hollow Fortress
Burst Counters


Credits: LiuKang1080

Nioh 2 Numbers Spreadsheet: Fat Valentine - Link to Nioh 2 Numbers Spreadsheet
Enemy / Boss Compendium: Fat Valnetine - Link to Nioh Enemy / Boss Compendium

Nioh 2 Build Bible: OceanMachine - Link to Nioh 2 Build Bible

Nioh Community Discord Server: Link to Discord Server
